Hebrew School

Younger students of B'nai Jacob Hebrew School, 1954-55

Younger students of B'nai Jacob Hebrew School, 1954-55

Niagara Falls may have had difficulty retaining rabbis, but the diverse group of rabbis the community found provided the children with an exceptionally broad-ranging Jewish education. Rabbi Kutziner served during the 1950s and is remembered by his pupils both for his beautiful singing voice and for the sharp stick he carried, which he used for reprimanding some of his students.

Another memorable teacher was Rabbi Feier, who taught for a few years beginning in September 1962, a period when there were some 45 students in the synagogue’s Hebrew school. A large and forceful man, Feier is credited with imparting excellent davening skills to the Bar Mitzvah boys of that generation including David Shanas, whose family came from and later returned to Kingston.

Hebrew School under Rabbi Kutziner
Hebrew School under Rabbi Kutziner

Brothers Eddie and Brian Greenspan were interviewed together. In this clip, Eddie shares his vivid memories of Hebrew School in the 1950s under the strict authority of Rabbi Kutziner.

Interview with Eddie and Brian Greenspan, 25 September 2007

Sharon Gubbay Helfer, OJA, Oral History #337

Click here to watch the video