The Community Today

The fact that Niagara Falls is one of the great tourist attractions of the world is an important factor in the character of Jewish life in this city today. The steady stream of visitors inspired Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Zalman Zaltzman and his wife Perla to settle in Niagara Falls in 2005. The Zaltzmans have added a series of complementary activities to the ongoing program at B’nai Tikvah. The couple has worked hard to serve the needs of Jewish tourists as well as local area families. Daily and Shabbat services were held at a four-star hotel throughout the summer. Outside the tourist season, the Zaltzmans have organized community celebrations around all of the Jewish holidays, attended by members of the St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Welland Jewish communities. Chabad Niagara provides workshops for children and teens and takes part in the Winter Festival of Lights in Niagara Falls, which now includes Canada's largest illuminated Menorah amongst its three million lights and more than 120 animated displays.

The Zaltzmans have also had an effect on the food choices available in the city. In the past, Jewish tourists wishing to eat kosher in Niagara Falls had few options. Today it is possible to order catered kosher meals all year round, their preparation supervised by Rabbi Zaltzman. In addition, there are now kosher restaurants open during tourist season such as Mendy’s Kosher Niagara and King David Pizza, Bakery and Falafel.

The B'nai Tikvah synagogue continues to provide continuity with the unique and vibrant past of the Niagara Falls Jewish community. Along with new families in town, those members descended from the community’s founders are able to attend regular Shabbat morning services, monthly Friday evening services, High Holiday services and adult education activities. In addition, there is a religious school on Sundays for the children.