Social Activities

While life in Belleville may have been slower than in larger cities, there were still many activities with which residents could fill their time. Sandbanks Provincial Park, established in 1959, is situated about 20 km from Belleville, down highway 62. This park which boasts three sandy beaches, hiking trails, camping spots and opportunities for various water activities was a popular retreat for some members of Belleville’s Jewish community.

Large community events were common in Belleville throughout the years, often with both Jewish and non-Jewish members of the community attending. Each year, an Interfaith Brotherhood dinner would occur between the Christian churches and the Jewish synagogue. Different denominations would take turns hosting the dinner. Members from the churches loved the smoked meat that would be served when the Sons of Jacob congregation would host the event. In traditional fashion, men would sit during this Brotherhood dinner and women would do the serving.

In the 1950s, the Sons of Jacob would also hold an annual dance in November. It was considered the social event of the year with upwards of 150 people attending from both the Jewish and non-Jewish community. It was often held Wednesday nights because stores closed early that day. The women in the community would start preparing food the day before. One year, seventy-two loaves of bread were purchased to make rolled sandwiches for the event. The last dance of this kind was held in 1963.