Members of the “Y” weightlifting team, the first Canadian all-Jewish weightlifting club, 1936. Ontario Jewish Archives, fonds 61:2-2:196.

Front row: Jack Handler, Abe Ginsberg.
Second row: Ben Pinkus, Isadore Crystal, Joe Goodman, Hye Marks, Sam Cooper, Nat Feldman, Sam Ginsberg.
Third row: Sol Kline, Joe Sklar, Isadore Bass, Berney Rosen, Murray Krugel, Bill Gryfe (coach).
Back row, left to right: Nat Crystal, Moe Stolberg, Sam Milstone, Harry Moscoe, Juda Lapidus, Isadore Keshen, Dave Brown.

Bill Gryfe

Bill Gryfe was an early member of the Y.M.H.A. He began as a weightlifter and bodybuilder, and in 1931, became a barbell coach with the Y.M.H.A. weightlifting team.

He coached at many national and international competitions such as: the Canada Games, the Commonwealth Games, the Pan-American Games and the Maccabean Games. He also officiated and refereed at many national and international competitions, including the 1976 summer Olympics in Montreal. 

Throughout his life, Bill was devoted to promoting physical fitness and competitive weightlifting. He was a founder of the Ontario Weightlifting Association and its first president in 1968. Over the years, he received numerous awards and citations from the federal and provincial governments, and from the Jewish community.

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